When You’re Home for the Holidays Secure the Jobsite
As the holidays approach, our attention often shifts from work requirements to all that is associated with a little time off to spend with family and friends. This is often when there are longer than usual periods of closure for construction sites. The construction industry’s Crime Prevention Program of Southern California (CPP SoCal) knows that most thefts are crimes of opportunity with criminals taking full advantage of job sites that are deserted while employees enjoy some holiday merriment. CPP recommends taking steps now to prepare your equipment and yards from being an easy target during the holiday season.
Prepare your equipment
Anything that will be left on the job site, even behind locked gates, should have identification and be marked. Members are encouraged to take advantage of CPP Reward Hotline decals and signage and apply them to your equipment and yard. This is one layer of prevention that not only discourages would-be thieves but encourages community members to call if they see anything that seems suspicious.
Make a point of “crippling” your equipment: take out batteries, remove tires from smaller, towable equipment and use hitch-locks and other after-market prevention tools. Park equipment or K-rails in front of Conex containers.
Be sure to have a good handle on the inventory you’re responsible for. Knowing what is supposed to be at a certain site, in a container or parked in your yard, and having all of the needed information to file a good police report if it does get stolen is vital. Be ready to have all pertinent information “tee’d up” for an officer so that the report filed is correct, complete and allows for the best information to be on file that could increase the chance of recovering your stolen equipment.
Ready to react
Never treat alarm signals as false alarms. Thieves tend to trip facility alarm systems multiple times before a break-in to give the impression that the alarm system is malfunctioning. Make sure that CPP and your security provider have complete and updated information with your after-hours contacts and how you want any incidents handled. Communicate with your security company any access that will be allowed to law enforcement in the event of a break-in so that officers can search the property.
Confirm that your after-hours contacts know to answer calls from CPP and your security provider.
If something does go missing, know who is responsible for filing a police report and CPP incident report and the importance of filing them in a timely manner. If any items that are stolen are GPS enabled and you’re able to get a live GPS report, be sure to call local law enforcement and CPP asap.
Lock it up
While it may seem like a no-brainer, it’s a vital step for security. Consider changing padlocks on gates and doors before you leave the site.
Lock-up all your keys to facility equipment in a secure location and take care not to leave any keys inside the equipment.
Walk your yard looking for any points of entry in fencing or weaknesses in your perimeter. Check to make sure your security system is working. This includes making sure all cameras, lighting, backup generators, alarm system(s), surveillance equipment, perimeter fencing, and any other type of barrier you have are functional and active.
Here to help
Know who to call, how to call and what information to have available when you call for assistance. Reach out to local authorities and let them know what your hours of operation will be over the holidays and request additional patrols when you’ll be away. Be sure to share with them what your employees should be wearing, driving or doing during off-peak operating hours. Call CPP to arrange a site security walk, to order more Reward Hotline decals or signs or to update your after-hours contact information. When in doubt, call CPP; we’re here to help!
Don’t let the bad guys ruin your merriment. Become a CPP member and learn about the benefits of joining our community working to fight construction crime. Our tagline isn’t just a coincidence. We know, and strive to prove every day, that: Together, We Make a Difference.
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