CPP and Construction Industry
At CPP of SoCal, we know the value of building strong relationships with others in the construction industry and members in the law enforcement community that support our mission.
Cultivating and maintaining these partnerships allows us to raise awareness of common issues, make a positive and tangible impact on our members’ bottom line, and continuously serve the industry in the most effective manner possible.
Since being founded in 1984, CPP of SoCal has assisted in the recovery of more than $50 million worth of equipment. In the past year, we’ve worked with local law enforcement to recover a variety of stolen equipment through the use of GPS tracking, our Theft Alert bulletins,the use of our 24/7 Reward Hotline decals and signs, and effective communication.
GPS Tracking
When a GPS-equipped Bobcat S570 was stolen in June 2021, CPP reached out to our contacts with the SANCATT team in San Bernardino. The information provided by the unit’s GPS and the assistance of SANCATT Investigators translated to the Bobcat quickly being recovered. The combination of technology and CPP’s effective communication with our contacts proved successful in recovering this $129,000 unit and substantiates the value of membership with CPP
Theft Alert Bulletin
In February 2021, CPP sent out a Theft Alert bulletin after receiving word from a member that a Bobcat S550 was stolen. Ten days later, investigators were serving a warrant at a chop shop and located a Bobcat similar to the one described in the CPP bulletin. They connected the dots and reached out to CPP to confirm the information in the bulletin and were able to reunite the unit with its owner. This is just one of the many success stories that have resulted from CPPspreading the word about thefts through our network.
24/7 Reward Hotline
CPP is always on the lookout for affordable and effective prevention and recovery methods to share with our members and help them accomplish our recommended “layered approach” to theft prevention. Our 24/7 Reward Hotline decals and signs have proven their value time and again as a low-cost, low-tech prevention and recovery tool. Adding our proven Reward Hotline information to your equipment and job sites goes beyond being a theft deterrent and also engages the community in prevention and recovery efforts.
CPP is honored to support and serve the construction industry and our partners in law enforcement to combat all types of crime in the construction industry. We value our relationships through ongoing outreach and continual care, because we know, and strive to prove every day: “Together, we make a difference.”
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