Take Steps to Prevent Construction Crime
Thieves often target small towables, like generators, compressors and message board signs, because they’re easily mobile. Plus, small construction equipment can also be resold or even used by the thief without anyone realizing that it’s been stolen. The more you know about this often unreported crime, the better you can be at construction crime prevention.
What makes small equipment a big target
Companies invest a substantial amount of money in smaller towables for construction sites, but their value and usefulness make them a popular target for theft. When towables are left along freeways and on construction sites, they become easy prey for thieves to pull up and steal them. The crime takes just minutes to commit and criminals can make a good profit on these stolen items. Unfortunately, these thefts often go unreported.
Marking and reporting
Free training is one of the many benefits that come with membership in CPP of SoCal. During these courses, we provide education on how and where to mark small towables to help thwart thieves.
Additionally, CPP of SoCal is your main contact hub in a large network that assists in locating equipment. When we become aware of a member theft, we alert our law enforcement officer contacts in appropriate agencies. Law enforcement officers from across the region also often reach out to CPP of SoCal for assistance in locating owners of missing equipment or information to help with investigations.
It’s critical that construction companies report these crimes, no matter how small they think their theft may seem. Criminals count on a certain lack of communication between agencies and purposely strike in a variety of locations to lessen the odds of being noticed and having to deal with any potential repercussions. For this reason, CPP of SoCal also serves as a clearinghouse to help detectives find similar cases to strengthen their investigations. Our ability to easily communicate between agencies and help connect the dots between jurisdictions also helps to increase the chances of successful investigations that could potentially lead to more recoveries and prosecutions.
Another essential factor to consider, is that when your small equipment or small towables are GPS enabled as a CPP member we would coordinate on your behalf with law enforcement to therefore increase the likelihood of recovery. CPP’s established relationships directly translate to your loss getting the attention it deserves.
Learn more
Contact us today to become a member or to take advantage of your membership, including education about marking small equipment. Taking small steps can be a big deal and Together, We Make A Difference.
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