Group of Construction Workers and Equipment

How Knowing What You Don’t Know Gets You Started

No matter how many years you’ve been on the job, there are always new tricks that construction crews and law enforcement officers can learn to lower the risk of construction crime. Investing in training now could not only keep you from a lot of unnecessary hassle, but also save money in the long run. We’ve got you covered with tips to avoid being targeted by thieves and to increase the likelihood of recovering stolen items.

Industry training

Membership in CPP of SoCal includes free training and ongoing support, allowing you to arm yourself with information and learn about the steps you can take to fight construction crime. To stay on top of our offerings, make sure you’re signed up for our emails.

Here’s a sneak peek at what CPP of SoCal can help you with:

Prevention tips: There are simple steps that can be taken to make thieves think twice before attempting to steal from you. Our training provides insight into the best tactics to utilize on your jobsite to make it less attractive to thieves.

Equipment thieves are most interested in: The more you know about criminals, the way they operate, and the items they are looking for, the better equipped you are to stop them from targeting your jobsite. 

Complex equipment identification numbers: Most equipment is tagged with different numbers on various parts, but it can be difficult to tell which are the most important to note in your inventory and have handy when reporting a theft. While we can’t change how or where manufacturers mark their equipment, we can choose how to make these numbers work best for us and increase the likelihood of recovering items if stolen. 

Need for accurate ownership records: Having accurate and updated records is essential for keeping tabs on your equipment. CPP of SoCal provides training on what info to you should include in your inventory as well as which numbers to provide law enforcement to help simplify the reporting process and increase the chances for a potential recovery.

Know what info to have handy in case of a theft: It’s always a good idea to file a police report when you’ve experienced a theft. When you don’t file a report, not only are you stuck with the loss of your equipment, but you also send a message to thieves that your equipment doesn’t hold enough value for you to pursue when it’s stolen. Reporting your theft gives your equipment a fighting chance of being recovered – and that’s definitely worth the effort to report. Training from CPP of SoCal will help you determine what information to have available in the event of a theft and makes it easier to decide which person should take the lead and file reports, including police reports and CPP incident reports

Law enforcement training

Construction theft accounts for between $300 million and $1 billion in losses annually. California, a state that is constantly growing with new construction, is always high on the list of most popular states for criminals to target. CPP of SoCal’s long-standing dedication to support and training for not only members but also law enforcement translates directly to results.

Retired law enforcement professional Lou Koven knows from experience that CPP of SoCal is a go-to resource and points out, “Other than the few LEOs (law enforcement officials) that know this subject material, CPP is the only local source for the industry for information distribution.” 

There are many challenges when it comes to construction theft, but communication barriers between construction and law enforcement can be a major issue. To increase the likelihood of finding stolen items, we provide support and training to law enforcement officers to help bridge any potential gap in communication and make sure everyone’s on the same page. 

  • Industry terminology and lingo: Every industry uses words that are common to them but not always understood by those not in the same field.  Having an attitude of acceptance with this fact helps to clear up any miscommunication and ensure that reporting a stolen “Bobcat” is understood in the right context . When working construction crime cases it’s important to be aware of using industry-specific terms that could potentially be misunderstood in order to help  bridge the communication gap.
  • Complex equipment identification numbers and where to find them: Depending on the type of equipment, the VIN (or PIN), license plate, serial number, OAN’s, and unit numbers can be in many different places. We provide resources to help locate this important info so they can be located quickly.
  • Whether to report equipment as a vehicle:  Another common challenge is how to report stolen construction equipment since it doesn’t always  fit the mold of a standard vehicle. Items like light towers, message boards, and towable generators are often erroneously entered into the Automated Property System (AVS) instead of the Stolen Vehicle System (SVS). This can create a number of problems, one of which being that any LoJack equipped vehicles must be entered into SVS in order for the LoJack to be activated.  CPP provides training and resources to help officers decide the best way to input a report to encourage a positive outcome.
  • Red flags to recognize: As with other types of crime, construction thieves have patterns they follow and similar tricks up their collective sleeves. We share ideas on what officers can look for to help in the fight against construction crime.
  • What’s hot in construction theft:  Staying in the know –  especially during trying times – is vital.  CPP shares our members’ thefts with our law enforcement partners and provides them with all the information necessary so that they can do their jobs as effectively as possible. We provide tips on the type of equipment that is currently most likely to be targeted and offer ongoing support to assist with investigations. 

Free training with membership

Communication is key and with education comes a clearer, more effective way to communicate. CPP of SoCal offers our members free, engaging and comprehensive training tailored to individual needs – whether it’s for a single person or your entire team , CPP is here to help. By learning as much as we can, “Together, We CAN Make a Difference.”

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